The main difference between arbitration and mediation is a simple one: arbitrators hand down decisions, just as judges do, which can only be contested under certain circumstances. In other words, by agreeing to arbitration a party agrees to be bound by the arbitrator’s ruling, barring some exceptional deviation from the normal procedure.


-> Can be voluntary or compulsory (court ordered)

-> Trial is stayed (put on pause) pending outcome

-> Generally involves a single mediator

-> Mediators need not have any formal legal training

-> Choice of mediator often has an important effect on the settlement reached

-> Mediator’s function is to facilitate negotiation

-> Mediation ends when settlement is reached or when parties are deadlocked

-> Agreements to mediate are generally enforceable, requiring the parties to make a good faith effort to arrive at a settlement agreement


-> Can be voluntary or compulsory (court ordered)

-> Trial is replaced by arbitration

-> There might be a single arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators

-> Arbitrators need not have any formal legal training

-> Choice of arbitrator can be crucial, and especially in panel situations can lead to further litigation

-> Arbitrator’s function is to render a decision on the matter

-> Arbitration ends when the decision is handed down

-> Agreements to arbitrate are generally enforceable, requiring the parties to accept the arbitrator’s decision as if it were a court decision